Monday, May 20, 2013

Growing up.

I'm at this juncture where I am supposedly entering the real world. An entire generation is. And it is scary. Exciting, but scary. As soon as I cross this threshold, there no longer is a fixed schedule whenever I wake up. The world is truly my oyster. And I am also accountable for every single thing I do.  I can still spend an entire day stuck to the laptop watching re-runs of 'How I met your mother' but this time, the stakes are higher. I see friends and batch mates moving to different cities and different countries and it makes me wonder. Wonder if people are ever going to be the same again. Maybe not. And I guess that's a good thing. Our responsibilities ceased to be limited to ourselves in a major way. There is a longer thought process involved for every aspect of life. Nowadays, every time I make a major decision, I think of the impact it will have on future events. And I guess that is essential at this stage. 
Not very long ago, when I was a kid, I imagined grown-ups to be these super awesome people with a superman cape around them. Like literally. I believed that only kids are the stupid ones who make all the mistakes. The grown-ups have it all figured out. I would have easily believed if someone told me that God spoke to them every night and told them what to do the next day. Every grown up had a halo around the head in my imagination. At least, the ones I grew up around! As I got older, I saw reality. I saw that grown-ups are actually just older kids. Even they have no clue what life is all about. And they are sometimes quite confusing. People do some pretty stupid things for bizarre reasons. 
At this stage where I claim to be an adult, where I realise that I'm accountable for every single thing I say and do; I want to be the grown-up I always imagined to be. Yes, with the superman cape and the halo on the head. I want to do what is right and stand true to what I believe. I know I might mess up at times, but that is okay. I want to be the kind of girl who is worthy of being my dad's daughter and my dada's granddaughter. I, not only want to set high standards, but also to meet them way past the finishing line. 
Here's hoping that 50 years later, I stand true to every word I just wrote. And more importantly, here's hoping that I am able to answer His questions on the Day of Judgement. 
That's all. 

-Asma Afreen S.A. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why Satyamev Jayate works.

         I’ll get straight to the point. The show is nothing short of brilliant. And now I know why people call Aamir Khan a perfectionist. A few things I picked up from the show:

  • Packaging: The first episode focused on an issue which we have all studied about in our history books. Female Infanticide. Something prevalent even before India achieved independence. We all know it happens. We read, we hear but nothing beats the visual impact. I presume that is why the producers made the victims talk. Tell us their story. Victims ranging from an educated doctor to a poor illiterate lady. Stating how one of them had 6 abortions in 8 years. It shocked the audience would be putting it lightly. It brought tears. So far, so good. Message conveyed that such instances still happen on a large scale, not only in the rural areas but in the metropolitan cities as well. (My thoughts: Mission accomplished, well done!) But wait, there’s more. Bombard them with statistics. Show them the after effects; tell them how it is going to affect each one of them in the long term. The audience is convinced that something has to be done. But how? This is where it gets better. Show them the path forward. Show them real examples where the problem has been eliminated. Give them hope. And then suggest solutions. And yes, take the lead. Aamir says he is going to write a letter to the Rajasthan government where the problem is at its peak. He gives a big smile and asks for support. Master stroke. Viewers are smitten. Finish up with a soul stirring song about the girl child. Not only was the message conveyed but in a manner that everyone wanted to be a part of the change. A change for the better. How many of us can do that in 90 minutes?

  • Marketing: The advertisement for the show has been on television for the past 3-4 weeks. But not once, did it let out what it was all about. Keep building up the suspense. Enough to make people look forward to it but not so much to put them off. Perfection.

  • Time slot: They wanted to make sure people actually sit down and watch the whole thing. No interruptions, no distractions. And of course, make a lot of people watch it. Reach out to as many as possible. It could have premiered in the prime slot, which I think is the 8pm-11pm slot for most channels. This is when viewership is at its peak. But there are too many distractions and too much competition in this area. Prime time news, hit movies, daily soaps and not to forget the task of making dinner. They need the whole family together, doing nothing else. So shift to Sunday. And shift to a time when there’s nothing much on television. 11 am. Now the only task left: sell it to the audience so well that they switch on TV just for this show. I’m pretty sure they have achieved it *grins*

  • Making a difference: Everything aside: the big brands associated, a popular channel, an award winning actor, the right marketing and publicity and the huge sum involved; most shows get all of this right but still don’t do well. THE major reason I feel the show is going to do well and really, really well is because it wants to make a difference. Help people. Save lives. It doesn’t say ‘All this is happening, look at the society we live in, shame on us’ but actually ‘Yes, such things are happening, let us do something about it, let us build a better India’ The perspective is important. Very important. By bringing to light such incidents, it instills hope, it celebrates those individuals who have fought these battles and won – the unsung heroes. It gives people examples to look up to. Living examples. It makes a few realize that their battles are much simpler than many around them and teaches them to be grateful. All in 90 minutes.

 I’ll take it a step higher. The victims who shared their stories knew pretty well that this would bring great shame to those who made them suffer. People who were once family. But they put the greater good above it all. I salute that. They inspired confidence into all those women who suffer silently to speak up. When these cases go on trial, because of the number of people who know what really happened, the pressure on the judiciary to be just would be more. Another advantage. This might indirectly make the masses aware that such cases shall not be tolerated.

There are a few more angles, which can be probed in depth, but I’ll save that for another day (because you should always keep up the suspense) The one major lesson I learnt is this: no matter how much money we make, our worth will always be measured in the difference we make in the lives around us. Concluding in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics 
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, 
A garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.”

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What I learnt in 3 years at SASTRA - Part I

  1. Friends and hangout buddies are not the same. Not even close.
  2. The friends you make in your first year will last a very long time. 
  3. Be open to people, there is something to learn from every single individual.
  4. Paying a lot of attention to dress and feeling pretty is nice on some days but if you are going to play dress-up day everyday, you'll do nothing else.
  5. If you missed a better college by half a point, eat a chocolate and move on. Telling that to every single person you meet doesn't make you sound superior. Quite the opposite.
  6. Do not mock people going through a bad patch. You have no idea what their issues are. 
  7. If you are not a nine point something, take a chill pill. It is not the end of the world.
  8. Don't get scared by the oh-so-intelligent guy/girl who answers everything in class. All of us are geniuses in some area. Take the pain to find out which one.
  9. You'll meet the super ambitious who always plan ahead and the ones who take life as it comes. They are both equally fascinating.
  10. Do not say no to that poor kid, old lady or handicapped man who ask you for money. Be thankful the roles are not reversed.
  11. Do not mock those who came from non co-ed schools, they had more fun. Promise!
  12. All day scholars are NOT dumb. At the same time, all hostelites aren't that smart too. Stop judging.
  13. Your parents also went to college. Listen to them.
  14. Be thankful that pen drives, chocolates and hugs exist. All three make life easier.
  15. Say 'thank you' to the xerox anna (I know it is photocopy and not xerox, but still) near gurunath. He accepts to take your book/material even at the last minute although when there are loads of people! And, he does it with a smile!
  16. Some professors take immense pleasure in making our lives miserable. You can actually see that smirk if you look carefully. Try not to curse them too much.
  17. Having said that, there are those who make the profession look very noble and do a good job. Pray more of such kind come in.
  18. If you are not interested in both GRE or CAT, don't take it up because everyone else is. Last I checked, even Mr. Bean has a degree in Electrical Engineering. Not joking!
  19. Be careful what you say to people who you shouldn't be talking to in the first place!
  20. Ten years later, you are going to remember more chota-samosa moments than lectures.
  21. Its okay if you screw up, relax! I felt pretty guilty when Imprint had a lot of errors in one edition. But then, any publicity is good publicity. More people ended up reading that particular edition and liked it too :P
  22. If you belong to the average looking crowd and envy the pretty ones, remember that there are more important things in life. I once thought that the most beautiful people are the happiest. Oh, I was so wrong! What is important is to do the right things and be good, the good things will follow you.
  23. Your friends might change a lot in three years. Accept it rather than fighting it. Remember you are evolving too.
  24. There are those people who are a phone call away no matter whichever corner of the globe they are. Cherish them.
  25. College is going to end someday and that day make sure you have more things to be happy about than to regret.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My world :)

I've been dreaming a lot lately and it leaves me feeling exuberant and happy. Here's a glimpse of what my dreamland looks like!

I live in this world filled with big dreams, whose nook and corner is filled with happy moments, where I meet beautiful people everyday, where someone is always there to hold my hand and make me feel safe. And the best part about this world, is the fact that its filled with hope. With so much hope that even the darkest of moments seem like a drifting cloud. Where the sun’s rays touch each soul gently, where each person has a vision, a vision of a better tomorrow, a vision of something glorious and joyful, where each one helps another to fulfill each vision. This world is a beautiful, beautiful place. Where families are bound by a tight cord, and is the first place people look for emotional support. Where everything is clear as a crystal, and is as simple as anything could be. Where the term ‘understanding’ is easily understood, where beauty is directly connected to the heart, and people only say what they really wish to. Where life’s goal is to reach out to the person within, to make a difference and make someone happy, where the only tears we know are the ones of happiness. Where everything is perceived in the way it was meant to be and the heart opens up to all the things it loves. Where expectations make someone reach out to a higher ideal, and the only things that are caged are the things that are disliked. Where happiness is the lightest feather which flows from one human being to the other, where smiles are true and make the eyes sparkle and hugs make you feel on top of the world.

Yes, I live in this dreamland where everything is as beautiful as it could be. And someday this will be my reality. Till then, I live in constant hope, because as they say, ‘The best is yet to come.’

Till bigger smiles and better dreams J

Ciao. Keep smiling!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The world is filled with beautiful people!

             The world is indeed filled with beautiful people. From professors who repeat stuff they taught till we get it right, to KG teachers who give you a warm hug every time you meet them. From the senior who's like this breath of fresh air, always bubbling with energy to the schoolmate who always has a kind word to say. From my friend cum benchie who's sketches are so very beautiful to another friend who is so determined in her path. From the random bus driver who waited when he noticed me rushing towards the bus to get on, to the blind couple on the bus who were ever so happy. From the creative people I've met (who form my team of the college newspaper) to a very organised soul I had the opportunity to meet. From Steve Jobs, who followed his dreams and continues to inspire a million people to the iron man (the anna/bhaiya who comes to iron clothes) who does his job with loads of grace. From the editor of TIME magazine, Mr. Fareed Zakaria ( I think I got the name right ) who spoke so beautifully on world peace on CNN-IBN, to  Mr.Rajdeep Sardesai who's the most interesting news anchor cum talk show host till date. From my brother who works day-in and day-out for his exams to my cousin who wins every quiz he walks into and well, lets not forget my another cousin who's making the best out of his college life. From my bestie who's doing a noble deed by helping children and bring people together for a cause to a person who puts in his heart and soul in organising his school culturals. From all those students who're working consistently to make their lives better to all those relatives and friends who pray for our betterment. From the CEO's and Founder's, who vowed to make their dream a reality (and are making the world an awesome-er place everyday) to the layman who pledges to make his child study because he couldn't get that chance. Did I tell you the world is filled with beautiful people? :D
             I'm hoping to meet as many beautiful people as I can in this short span called life and I hope you have your share of beautiful people too. So at the end of the day...

                                             How beautiful are you?


Friday, July 1, 2011

Think twice :)

"There were people who went to sleep last night,
poor and rich and white and black,
but they will never wake again.

And those dead folks would give anything at all
for just five minutes of this weather
or ten minutes of plowing.

So you watch yourself about complaining.

What you're supposed to do
when you don't like a thing is change it.
If you can't change it,
change the way you think about it."
— Maya Angelou

This is a poem I came across randomly, made me think twice; hope it did for you too!

More later :)
Keep smiling!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Something for your creativity!

most favorited all-time | craftgawker - StumbleUpon

Just click on the above link, its mind-blowing! What is it? Well, as you'll discover soon enough; its a step-by-step method to do real creative stuff, like wall hangings made of buttons, a different kind of hair braid, a pen stand decorated with stuff from your garden and loads more... Even if you are not planning to do any of it, its beautiful to look at :)

Well, enough said!
Have an awesome day:)