Friday, June 17, 2011

Something for your creativity!

most favorited all-time | craftgawker - StumbleUpon

Just click on the above link, its mind-blowing! What is it? Well, as you'll discover soon enough; its a step-by-step method to do real creative stuff, like wall hangings made of buttons, a different kind of hair braid, a pen stand decorated with stuff from your garden and loads more... Even if you are not planning to do any of it, its beautiful to look at :)

Well, enough said!
Have an awesome day:)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I've been feeling very picture-ish lately, so here's a collection of what i found on the web :)

No matter what anyone says, bunnies are cute! Those big round eyes: Adorable! :)

This one just struck me as a very different one! Pac-pac-pac :D

So yellow! 

Free hugs! 

Have you seen yourself in the mirror? :D

Loved the choice of colours!

Roses are red, violets are blue;
I don't know why, I like this too! :D 

So many colours!

Would be nice to walk down this aisle :D
Goes on my bucket list:) 
(If you don't know what that is, go google!)

Must be different to be in one of those :D

What if those are candies? *eyes sparkle*

Where can I find one of these?

I scream, you scream;
We all scream for ICE-CREAM!

Young, free and happy :) doesn't get better than that!

Great men, all remind us;
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us;
Footprints on the sands of time.
-A Psalm of Life; 
H. W. Longfellow.

If not anything else, 
I leave behind flowers till the next time:)

Keep smiling! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Guten Tag everyone!

First things first, Guten Tag is German for a formal hello:) Saying the same hi can be boring at times, so I thought what the heck! Writing this blog is, I guess, is the first useful thing I'm doing these hols, I have this poster which says "Do things you love" but never got around to actually do it until now. Which brings me back to the thought lingering at the back of my head for quite some time, how many of us actually do stuff we like? As in, the course you're learning? Your job? I read somewhere that one should do something only if one likes it and because one likes it! I realized it only when I bumped into a wall (not literally you silly) but then I figured, better late than never! There's nothing called missing life's train (i heard that in some B-rated hindi movie) cuz you're already on it! Just gotta turn it around in your desired direction (me is feeling very good from the inside typing all this self development stuff! :D )  

Coming to the point, when I actually sat up and took notice of all the things happening around me, i realized there's A WHOLE FREAKING LOT out there. 

No, seriously! At this current moment, ANYBODY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY LIKE! Life's actually that simple. And when similar thoughts were running in my mind, my grandma (a 70+ atleast, very religious, very intellectual person) figured she should somehow find out a way to pass on all the religious knowledge she's gathered over the years through different sources to her younger generation. That was the idea. And it remained an idea only for a minute. Because, from that moment, she set into action into writing a book. Pulling out all her books, old notes, she started writing, editing and compiling. She found people to teach her MS word (who include yours truly) and how a samsung printer works, amazing as it sounds, she loved every minute of it! After like, 7 to 8 months, she found a publication to publish her book and the book is currently being printed now! This might not sound like a life changing story, but my whole point was, when she could do something she wanted to, learn to operate a computer (which she's never done before) then we're freaking young! We should be out doing so many more things! Like Aircel's brand line, "Its a world of possibilities", when you think of it, you'll realize its true in so many ways! Take facebook for example, try telling someone 50 years back that there'll be this website where you can post stuff, share pictures, play games and see what all your friends are doing at the same time, the person might go, "why would anyone wanna do that, people are too busy with their lives!" But not only was it created but turns out now, if the whole population of FB were put together, it would be one of the biggest nations :D 

Everyone's addicted to cellphones now, we have everything, music, photos, calling, messaging, camera, maps and not to mention the million applications on a single device. That pretty much everything you want. What more can you put in? And thats when the human mind beats you, there are phones coming out with projectors in them, with both touch and type interface, with messenger! Well, now you get it why i say its the world of possibilities? :) Cuz everytime you think it can't get better than this, IT DOES! So when everything you imagine is basically possible, its definitely possible for you and me to find out what we like and be the best that can be :) 

I sound like a preacher, don't I? :P Well, if you've read till here, you must like it atleast one teeny weeny bit! We all have a lot to show, tell or exhibit and we all find our different outlets to express them and this blog is one of my outlets:) 

Reason for my title? Well :D everytime i asked myself what i wanted to do,(when I was young) the only answer was, 'Conquer the world' I did not know how, I don't even know if such a task is possible, but I knew I wanted just that! Maybe, someday i shall find my definition of conquering the world! And the only way I found, to go about this huge task, is to start doing things i love so here i am! :) I hope a day comes when my post reads, "finally conquered the world" :)

Kudos till then!
Keep smiling:)